Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.
- 40 years of caring
- About us
- Advice and support for medical professionals
- Assisted Dying
- Christmas Appeal – Make a Donation
- Complaints
- Contact us
- 10K Run estimated time
- Annual General Meeting interest form
- Become a Light Up a Life volunteer
- Book your Christmas tree collection in aid of St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Brighton Marathon Contract
- Brighton Marathon Expression of Interest
- Buy tickets for Step Back in Time
- Car park B parking feedback
- Christmas Lights Switch-on Event feedback
- Christmas tree recycling service feedback
- Clay Shooting Corporate Day – participant details
- Communications at St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Complaints and feedback
- Contact fundraising team
- Coordinating Care in the Community feedback
- Data Request form
- Discover St Nic’s guest parking – car plate registration
- Euston Rural Pastimes tickets
- Event volunteers – your contact details
- Facilities – Car Park B Key Fob Request
- Facilities – form 2
- Facilities – form 3
- Facilities – form 4
- Facilities – form 5
- Facilities – Water testing logs
- Facilities work request
- Facilities Work Request
- Festive Fun Run feedback
- GDPR – Your data
- Get ahead for next year’s Christmas tree recycling service
- Gift Aid declaration
- Girls Night Out feedback
- Girls Night Out marshal briefings
- Girls Night Out marshal feedback
- Girls Night Out marshals – rescheduled date
- Girls Night Out sign-in
- Girls Night Out walkers – rescheduled date
- Hidden Gardens feedback form for garden owners
- Hidden Gardens of Bury – Application for garden owners
- Hidden Gardens of Bury feedback
- Hidden Gardens of Bury tickets
- Hospice People Survey 2018
- Hospice stories
- How Are You? Survey
- If St Nicholas Hospice Care was a person what would they be like and what values would they have?
- In memory of Rev Canon Richard Norburn
- Internal email signature request form
- Leave Your Car at Home Week feedback
- Light Up a Life – Share the names of loved ones
- Light up a Life confirmation
- LinkedIn Paid Campaigns
- London Marathon 2025 Expression of Interest
- London Marathon Contract
- Media request form
- Networking event feedback
- Online fundraisers
- Online fundraisers
- Online tribute for Girls Night Out 2020 – Virtual memory wall
- Order Christmas cards and diaries
- Ordering a product
- Parsee Lunch with Cyrus Todiwala OBE DL at Foxearth Hall Barn
- Pay in your fundraising
- Pay in your fundraising
- Place an order for R&D Construction Charity Ball photographs
- Pumpkin Parade feedback
- Receive our news and updates
- Register for car number plate recognition
- Register for Eriswell Lodge’s Charity Clay Shoot
- Register for the Clay Shooting Corporate Day
- Register for the St Nic’s Cycle Ride
- Register for the St Nicholas Hospice Care 10K Run
- Register for the Virtual Valentine’s Challenge
- Register your interest for the London Triathlon
- Register your team for Mission: Improbable
- Ride for St Nic’s
- Service design, governance and systems briefing feedback
- Share your Skydive Day feedback and photos
- Share your Sunset Walk photos
- Sign up for the St Nic’s Festive Fun Run
- Skydive Day – Sign up online
- St Nic’s Education courses – your feedback
- St Nicholas Hospice Care 10K Run feedback
- Staff and volunteer health and wellbeing
- Staff and Volunteers Christmas Party
- Stephen Pidgeon Seminar Day – Thursday 24 November 2016
- Sunset Walk feedback
- Take part as a caller in our Thank-a-Thon
- Take part in the More or Less Challenge
- Terms and conditions: Tea cosy competition
- Thank you for becoming a member of Friends of St Nic’s
- Thank you for beginning a Lottery membership
- Thank you for booking a place at Lifetime Planning for End-of-Life Care
- Thank you for booking your Christmas tree collection
- Thank you for buying a ticket for A Taste of China: Lunch with Patrick Chung
- Thank you for buying a ticket for Lunch by the Lake at Lavenham Hall
- Thank you for buying a ticket for Parsee Lunch with Cyrus Todiwala
- Thank you for buying a ticket for Picnic in the Clouds at St Edmundsbury Cathedral
- Thank you for buying a ticket to Best of Suffolk Lunch
- Thank you for buying a ticket to Celebrating Autumn in Hawkedon
- Thank you for buying Hospice Lottery tickets
- Thank you for buying tickets for St Nic’s Does Elvis and Neil Diamond!
- Thank you for buying tickets for the Hidden Gardens of Bury
- Thank you for changing your lottery membership details
- Thank you for choosing to hear about our Christmas tree recycling service
- Thank you for contacting First Contact
- Thank you for contacting the Fundraising Team
- Thank you for contacting The Haverhill Hub
- Thank you for entering Bangers 2 Bordeaux
- Thank you for entering the St Nicholas Hospice Care 40th Anniversary Raffle
- Thank you for entering the Thetford Open Gardens Charity Prize Draw
- Thank you for getting in touch about volunteering
- Thank you for joining St Edmund’s Dining Club
- Thank you for making a donation in support of Virtual Gardens
- Thank you for ordering Christmas cards from St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Thank you for paying in your money
- Thank you for placing an order with St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Thank you for purchasing a ticket
- Thank you for purchasing tickets for Euston Rural Pastimes
- Thank you for registering for the Charity Clay Shoot
- Thank you for registering for The Historic Homes and Gardens of Bury St Edmunds
- Thank you for registering for the More or Less Challenge
- Thank you for registering for The St Nic’s Cycle Ride
- Thank you for registering for the St Nicholas Hospice Care 10K Run
- Thank you for registering for the Sunset Walk
- Thank you for registering your interest in our Life’s Questions Volunteer open event
- Thank you for registering your interest in our Trustee open event
- Thank you for requesting a donation slot
- Thank you for setting up your direct debit in support of St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Thank you for sharing your Girls Night Out story with us
- Thank you for signing up as a Girls Night Out volunteer
- Thank you for signing up for Girls Night Out
- Thank you for signing up for Mission: Improbable
- Thank you for signing up for our Skydive Day
- Thank you for signing up for the Atkins Thomson Charity Horse Ride
- Thank you for signing up for The Virtual Valentine’s Challenge
- Thank you for signing up to our newsletters
- Thank you for signing up to the Accumulator Challenge
- Thank you for signing up to Women on Wheels Sudbury
- Thank you for submitting your virtual garden entry
- Thank you for supporting our Light up a Life events
- Thank you for taking part in the Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
- Thank you for your booking
- Thank you for your enquiry
- Thank you for your feedback about our Christmas tree recycling service
- Thank you for your feedback about our Christmas tree recycling service
- Thank you for your feedback on the Hidden Gardens of Bury
- Thank you for your feedback on Wheels on Wheels
- Thank you for your interest in our seminar day
- Thank you for your interest in showcasing your garden in aid of the Hospice
- Thank you for your media request
- Thank you for your message
- Thank you for your raffle ticket request
- Thank you signing up for Team St Nic’s
- The Edge feedback
- Virtual Garden entry form
- Warehouse sale feedback
- Women on Wheels feedback
- Your contracted hours at St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Your data
- Your data preferences: sporting events and challenges
- Dying Matters Awareness Week 2024
- Education
- At your workplace
- Booking form: Make living with dying better through volunteering
- course information page
- Education course feedback
- Education courses
- Education Courses Terms and Conditions
- GraveTalk
- Have you watched a documentary/TV show/film about dying, death or grief?
- How would you explain death to a younger person?
- Online resources
- Placements, work experience and volunteering
- Resources for community groups and companies
- Resources for Health and Social Care Staff
- Resources for school, college and university staff
- Resources for students
- education form test
- Facts and figures
- Finding our Haverhill Hub
- Fundraising
- Fundraising Events
- 10K Run Frequently Asked Questions
- A Night Before Christmas
- A Night Before Christmas Auction
- Brighton Marathon 2025 Terms and Conditions
- Christmas Jumper Day
- Christmas Tree Recycling Service Terms and Conditions
- Classic and Sports Cars by the Lake
- Classic Car Treasure Hunt in aid of St Nic’s
- Classic Car Treasure Hunt terms and conditions
- Clay Pigeon Shoot Day Terms and Condition
- Dog Show
- Donut Dash – information for participants
- Entertainment Arena
- Festive Fun Run Frequently Asked Questions
- Festive Fun Run Terms and Conditions
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Fundraise for St Nicholas Hospice Care
- Fundraising Volunteer Opportunities
- Gallery
- Gallery
- Garden Events Terms and Conditions
- Get involved
- Gin and Beer Launch Terms and Conditions
- Girls Night Out Terms and Conditions
- Greene & Greene’s Team Assault Course Challenge
- I’m a CEO…Get Me Out of Here!
- Jail and Bail
- Light up a Life Terms and Conditions
- Mission: Improbable – Meet the teams
- Parsee Lunch with Cyrus Todiwala OBE DL at Foxearth Hall Barn
- Purchase tickets for the Gin and Beer launch event
- Register for the Atkins Thomson Charity Horse Ride
- Route information
- Run, cycle, swim or leap and be part of Team St Nic’s
- Skydive Day Terms & Conditions
- Sponsors
- Sponsors
- St Edmund’s Dining Club
- St Edmund’s Dining Club – Best of Suffolk Lunch
- St Edmund’s Dining Club – Celebrating Autumn in Hawkedon
- St Edmund’s Dining Club – Lunch by the Lake at Lavenham Hall
- St Edmund’s Dining Club – Picnic in the Clouds at St Edmundsbury Cathedral
- St Nic’s Cycle Ride
- St Nic’s Cycle Ride Frequently Asked Questions
- St Nic’s Cycle Ride Terms and Conditions
- St Nicholas Hospice Care 10K Run
- St Nicholas Hospice Care 10K Run Terms and Conditions
- Step Back in Time terms and conditions
- Sudbury Memory Tree
- Suffolk’s latest obstacle course race
- sunset-walk
- T&Cs
- Take part in the Thetford Open Gardens Charity Prize Draw
- TCS London Marathon Terms & Conditions
- Thank you to everyone who supported Girls Night Out
- The Virtual Valentine’s Challenge Terms and Conditions
- Tickets
- Virtual Challenges
- Virtual Gardens
- Vitality London 10,000 Terms and Conditions
- Who’s taking part in Bangers 2 Bordeaux
- Guardians
- Hidden Gardens Map
- Homepage
- hospice-homepage
- How can we help
- Getting Help
- Care on Sylvan ward
- Community Specialist Team
- Counselling and emotional support
- Emotional and wellbeing support
- Help at home
- Hospice Neighbours and Community Connectors
- Independent Living Team
- Information on Illnesses
- Managing symptoms
- Nicky’s Way group sessions
- Our Haverhill Hub
- Overview of the Hospice’s services
- Preparing for end of life
- Psychological services
- Referrals
- Referral form – Community Services
- Referral form – Community services
- Referral form – Sylvan Ward
- Referral form – Sylvan Ward
- Referrals – Psychological Services
- Referral form – Adult bereavement
- Referral form – Adult bereavement
- Referral form – Children’s bereavement/Nicky’s Way
- Referral form – Children’s bereavement/Nicky’s Way
- Referral form – Psychological support for palliative patients and/or those close to them
- Referral form – Psychological support for palliative patients and/or those close to them
- Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy referrals
- Getting Help
- I need help for myself or a loved one
- I’m a home care / agency staff
- I’m a professional
- Information on Hospice services and support
- Job application
- Job application
- Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities
- Join us
- Landing page
- Listen Learn Adapt
- Marketing consent for images
- Marketing feedback
- National Hospice funding crisis: support our voice
- Order raffle tickets
- Our Shops
- Privacy
- Read the latest issue of St Nic’s magazine
- Refund Policy
- Revd. Max Drinkwater – Trustee
- Safeguarding: Promoting a safer Hospice
- Sitemap
- St Nicholas Hospice Care’s values
- Support Groups and Activities
- Supporting us
- #6380 (no title)
- Community Groups and Schools
- Donate
- Donate – duplicate
- Fundraising toolkit
- Create a Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook
- Fundraising ideas
- Fundraising skydive
- Game4Good: Online gaming
- Host a Hospice Collection Box
- Online giving platforms
- Planning your event
- Planning your Fundraising Challenge
- Run a Raffle for St Nic’s
- Running a safe and legal fundraising activity
- Why do people fundraise for the Hospice?
- Information on volunteering
- Lottery
- Make a one-off donation
- Our shops
- Volunteering Opportunities
- Ways to remember
- Working with corporates
- Working with Trusts
- Talking together about dying
- Test form page
- test-page-d0NAt10n
- Testing page
- The Suffolk COVID-19 Experience Survey
- Your enquiry has been sent
- Community Advent Calendar
- Downloadable Accumulator Challenge materials
- Enter the St Nicholas Hospice Care 40th Year Anniversary Raffle
- Events Calendar
- News and People
- Fundraising Event
- Interested in arranging an Event?
- Summer Sunday Roast at Barningham House
- Una Festa D’Autunno Italiano by Honor Townsend at Chippenham Hall
- Gathering support
- Getting help, resources and support
- Resources for Care Homes during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Resources for professionals – Compassion fatigue
- People / News Post
- Talking about dying and death – professionals
- Teens learn more about hospice care as they lend a hand