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Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.

Your Experience survey

If you have used our Hospice's services, please consider taking some time to inform us of your experience.

Community Groups and Schools

Local community groups such as churches, WIs, rotary clubs, scouts and guides, Round Table and Lions groups, are some of our keenest supporters.

We are happy to talk to any group about our work and how we are helping people in the local community. Speakers are available at most times and can talk to any age group.

Why not form your own local support group and fundraise for the Hospice?

All you need is a couple of friends and the desire to get together for the occasional coffee morning or lunch. Do something amazing with your time, support your local Hospice.

Fundraising in Schools

Support from schools is so important to us. It gives us an opportunity to speak to our future supporters so they know about the work we do throughout West Suffolk and Thetford.

From non-uniform days to sponsored silences, cake sales and concerts in aid of the Hospice, we have seen it all in the name of raising funds. And we are happy to help you to make sure your students have a great time – and a enjoy a valuable learning experience in ‘giving back’.

Every single penny raised by pupils and school staff is gratefully received!

To find out more, contact the Community Fundraising Team on 01284 747624 or email