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Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.

Your Experience survey

If you have used our Hospice's services, please consider taking some time to inform us of your experience.

Step two: Understanding experiences and insights

Following the first round of interviews, working with Livework, the Hospice’s staff began to make sense of the wealth of information they had gained.

The eight interviewers worked to create a ‘we are here’ picture of the needs and challenges uncovered by their discussions.

This allowed them to focus on understanding the opportunities for change and aided the decisions they needed to make about how we were to move forward with the next steps in our service redesign.

This work led to 16 concepts being identified. The concepts, which sit under six main headings all, have an over-arching theme of dignity.

The concepts

The six headings the initial concepts can be fitted into are:

Personalised care – These concepts are about personalising care based on needs and what is important to individuals. In this way, people get the care and achieve things, which are right for them.

Good start – These concepts focus on giving the people we support and their families the information they need to navigate the healthcare system and access the resources that are most appropriate for them.

Dignity network – These ideas focus on concepts that develop the Hospice as a care movement and behaviours.

Training and education – Concepts centre on using the knowledge and experience the Hospice has built over the years to provide specific training for organisations and individuals about how to care for and treat people with dignity at all times.

Care at home – These concepts look at how we can empower and equip people and their families to be cared for at home and in their local community, helping them to understand the full range of support available to them, while giving guidance on how to seek help when things become beyond their capability or comfort.

Bereavement support – These concepts are around providing both emotional support and practical support after the death of a loved one.

Following in-depth discussions around each of the concepts, it was decided to move forward with initial testing of three of them.

Which three concepts will be tested first?

  •  Around the clock
  • Meaningful moments
  • Journey planning

What about the other 13 concepts?

In time, we will explore all of the concepts as each one represented important needs expressed by the community during the interview stage.