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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees fulfil their key role and function in overseeing and directing the affairs of the charity, ensuring that it is well run and delivering the charitable outcomes for which it is established.
Board members are appointed on the basis of their experience, expertise, and community involvement and for their commitment to and passion for the Hospice’s work. You can find out more about joining the hospice as a trustee by clicking here.
Anne Fisher (Chair of the Board of Trustees)
Karen Chandler-Male
Revd. Max Drinkwater
Dave Evans
Anthony Faulkner
Donna Forster
Jo Howlett
Helena Jopling (profile to follow)
Anita Pearson
Paul Siklos
Kate Vaughton
The Board has three Committees with specific terms of reference and functions delegated by the Board and with a Trustee as chairman appointed by the Board.

Committees in detail

Finance, Resource and Risk

Oversees all financial aspects of the Charity’s activities.

It reviews the budget and monitors performance against it.  It also considers the appointment, resignation or dismissal of the external auditors and approves their annual fee.

It makes recommendations to the Board on any financial and related matters of the hospice including management of reserves and significant capital expenditure.

The meetings are attended by the CEO, Corporate Services Director, Income Generation Director and Head of Finance

Clinical Committee

Primary function is the governance of clinical services, to monitor, examine and review issues affecting clinical performance and forward recommendations to the Board in relation to clinical strategy, policy and practice.  It oversees all critical clinical matters with particular reference to palliative care standards and medicines management. The meetings are attended by the Chief Executive, the Director of Care and the Consultant in Palliative Medicine.

Income Generation and MarComms

Oversees the strategic direction and plans for Income Generation, including fundraising, marketing and communications, retail and commercial sources.  Provides oversight of Income Generation activities to ensure they are compliant, ethical and risk is managed.  It ensures an integrated approach to the charity’s fundraising, marcomms and retail activities and reports its findings and recommendations to the Board.

The meetings are attended by the CEO and Income Generation Director.