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Loyalty card
You can choose to register to Gift Aid money raised from the sale of your stock donations if you are a UK tax payer.
Complete a form and pick up your Gift Aid Card from any of our shops.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid means St Nicholas Hospice Care can reclaim tax on all the money made from your donation – that’s an extra 25p for every £1 gained from the sale of an item, at no extra cost to you. Your Gift Aid Card keeps track of how much your items sell for.

Collecting points
We want to reward your loyalty to St Nicholas Hospice Care by offering one point for every £1 spent in our participating retail shops. Once you have reached the minimum 100 points you will be entitled to £1 credit in participating Hospice retail shops.

How we claim Gift Aid on your donations
St Nicholas Hospice Trading Ltd will be selling your goods on your behalf so that the net sale proceeds can be given to the St Nicholas Hospice Care as a Gift Aid donation. You must pay enough UK Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax to cover the tax that St Nicholas Hospice Care will reclaim through Gift Aid on the donated sale proceeds.
• St Nicholas Hospice Trading Limited is acting as agent in selling your goods
• You are not donating the goods, but arranging for St Nicholas Hospice Trading Limited to sell them on your behalf
• If the cumulative net sales proceeds are less than £1,000 in a tax year, the charity will not have to notify you before it claims Gift Aid on the amount
• If the net sales proceeds exceed £1,000, we will contact you, so that you have an opportunity to decide whether to donate the proceeds in excess of £1,000. We will give you 21 days to let us know if you do not want to donate the additional amount to the charity
• An end of tax year letter will be sent, whether or not the cumulative net sales proceeds are less than £1,000 in a tax year
To view the Loyalty Card terms and conditions, please click here.