Browse for a bargain at our Haverhill shop
Find high quality pre-loved furniture, clothes, books and household items

A warm welcome
The Hospice’s Haverhill Hub shop is stocked with a selection of pre-loved items, including rails filled with a wide selection of fashions, accessories and jewellery, books and a collection of furniture, bric-a-brac, pictures, DVDs and CDs, with household and new goods also available.
In fact, the shop has a reputation locally for being the place where you can find almost anything.
The shop is also your point of contact for your local Hospice. So to find out the latest news on fundraising events, our Hospice Neighbours volunteers, and clinical service information, please pop in.

Easily accessible
For those wishing to browse for a bargain, the shop is spaciously fitted out with easily accessible entrance points and plenty of space in between the items on display.

Opening hours
Pop in and browse for a bargain
Monday to Saturday from 9.30am to 4pm.