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George gets ready to put in the miles for St Nic’s
George Chilvers, the Hospice’s Community Fundriaisng Manager, will be putting his best foot forward to raise funds for St Nic’s when he challenges himself to take on the London Marathon in April.
When one of the Hospice’s marathon places became available at the last minute, George decided to put his name forward, and although he has completed the distance before, he’s not expecting it to be easy this time around.
George said: “I thought it was about that time again I put my money where my mouth was and raise funds for the Hospice.
“Every day in my role, I see the lengths our amazing supporters go to to raise funds for St Nic’s, whether it’s a sponsored head shave, a gala ball or a skydive. So I thought I’d lace up my trainers and hit the streets of London.
“Being Hospice, based I also get to see every day where the money goes and the amazing support we provide to so many in the local community.
“I’ve done the London Marathon a few times before, but it doesn’t get any easier. In fact, since becoming a dad, I’ve managed to put on an extra two stone, so this year, it will be more difficult than ever.”
Good luck with your training, George and for the event on Sunday, 23 April.
If you would like to support George’s efforts, he has set up a JustGiving page: