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St Nicholas Hospice Care Skydive Day, sponsored by Hugh J Boswell

Take the leap


UK Parachuting, Ellough, Beccles, NR34 7XD United Kingdom


August 4, 2024

How much?

£50 non-refundable registration fee and pledge to raise at least £400 sponsorship

Join us for an epic celebration of four decades of compassion, support and care at St Nic’s!

I loved the skydive. It was a pleasure to do this for such a good cause. Exhilarating, exciting, uplifting, life changing!

Jo Hudson, Skydive Day 2023 jumper

Help us celebrate 40 years of caring by taking part in ‘St Nic’s 40 @ 40 Skydive Day’ on Sunday, August 4, 2024. We’re inviting 40 brave individuals to take the leap of a lifetime and raise vital funds to support St Nicholas Hospice Care.

Have you ever dreamt of defying gravity, feeling the rush of wind against your face, and experiencing an adrenaline-pumping adventure? Here’s your chance to turn that dream into reality, all while making a meaningful impact on lives!

With a tandem parachute specially designed for two people, you will board an aircraft and soar to around 13,000 feet (approximately two miles high!).

When you and your instructor leave the plane, you will fall at about 120mph, descending to 5,000 feet in around 40 seconds.

At this point, your instructor will open the parachute and fly you safely back to earth.

You will enjoy breathtaking views during the six minutes under the parachute.

The team at Beccles are amazing they take it all in their stride... Once the parachute is open you feel like you’re floating and can talk to your instructor and see the fields below... I had the most incredible experience and one I would do again.

Frances Flynn, 2023 Skydive Day jumper

All participants will receive a St Nic’s fundraising T-shirt and certificate.

Registrations close at 9am on Thursday, 6 June 2024.

The lower age limit is 16. There is no upper age limit. Anyone aged 16 or 17 will need further permission from a parent or guardian.

How your sponsorship is distributed

There is a £50 self-funded registration fee. This goes towards the cost of your skydive and secures your booking.

Then we’d ask that you’d raise a minimum of £400 in sponsorship, which would mean that after the remaining cost of your skydive (£180) has been paid the Hospice will receive at least £220.

You can download a sponsorship form by clicking here, or set up an online giving page here.

Creating Lasting Memories

St Nic’s 40 @ 40 Skydive Day will be a one-of-a-kind fundraising adventure that not only propels you towards your personal goal but also turns dreams into reality for those facing life’s toughest challenges.

For our patients receiving end-of-life care, special moments and memorable experiences shared with family and friends are something we strive to provide however we can.

Your fundraising will help us to provide unforgettable experiences of joy and laughter for our patients and their families.

The Birch Family

“I said I wanted a hat, two guns, a sheriff’s badge and a ride in a Porsche.” 

When Birchy gave his best friend Jonny Boreham a wish list, he never believed it might become a reality, with a boys’ game of cowboys and Indians ending in a spin in a supercar.

Birchy was whisked away for the drive in the Porsche 911 Turbo on June 19, 2015, and at that time, he’d been a patient on our ward for three weeks.

“I made this random wish list of things I wanted to do off the top of my head, but it meant we could play cowboys and Indians together, like boys do. He’s been an incredible friend to me – I can’t thank him enough. It was a great surprise. I think he wanted to cheer me up a bit, and he certainly did that.”

“You can be my wife now, not my nurse” 

Jo and John ‘Birchy’ Birch met in 2005, married in 2007 and had their daughter Madeleine in 2011. Jo says:

“I’ll never forget him turning to me when he was in the Hospice and saying, “You can be my wife now, not my nurse”. As well as so, so much else, that’s what the Hospice gave me – the chance to be a wife again. They gave us the gift of time together and we soaked it up.”

“I always say that the Hospice staff and volunteers are angels, to me they always will be, for those precious few weeks they gave me my husband back and they gave our daughter her daddy. I will be forever grateful.”

Thank you to our sponsors

This event would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, Hugh J Boswell.

Hugh J Boswell logo

Further Information 

Visit UK Parachuting’s Tandem FAQ page for further information. You can also email any queries to our friendly events team at

Take the leap

There’s nothing compared to the feeling of floating in the sky like a cloud