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Teen braved the clippers to raise funds
Jake Game climbed into the hairdresser’s chair to raise £150 for our Hospice.
The 16-year-old, who lives in Bury St Edmunds, said he had been overwhelmed with the support and sponsorship that his head shave fundraiser has received.
Jake said: “I felt speechless. I had wanted to do some fundraising for the Hospice for a while and I thought maybe I would give the head shave a go and see how many sponsors and how much support I could get. I am over the moon.
“St Nicholas Hospice Care is a charity close to my family’s heart. My mum sadly lost her best friend aged 36 through cancer and the Hospice were absolutely amazing so it’s time that I gave back what they gave her.”
The charitable cut took place on Friday 26 August, with family friend Amy Rutterford in charge of the clippers.
Read more about other brave heroes who shaved their head for fundraising here.