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Three photos showing hospice staff at work, one talking to a patient in a bed, one in the community knocking on a front door and two hospice clinicians petting a dog who is visiting a patient on the ward

Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.

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If you have used our Hospice's services, please consider taking some time to inform us of your experience.

Leave a gift in your will – This is Hospice Care

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  • Thank you for considering leaving us a gift in your Will. We are so very grateful to you for this.

    Around one fifth of the care our patients receive is because of a gift in a Will.

    We promise never to put you under pressure to leave a gift in your Will and understand your loved ones come first, and we respect that you may change your mind.

    Please help us to provide the right information and support to you by completing the form below.

  • You can update or change your decision at any time—this isn’t a legal commitment.

    Your details will remain confidential and treated with care and respect.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.