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Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.

Your Experience survey

If you have used our Hospice's services, please consider taking some time to inform us of your experience.

Carers giving subcutaneous medications in the home

Seriously ill people often want to spend their last days of life at home being cared for by family or friends.

Carers who are looking after a dying person at home can be taught to give top-up doses of subcutaneous medication to the person for whom they are caring. This will be in addition to the care they are already receiving.

In collaboration with other organisations in Suffolk, St Nicholas Hospice Care has developed a policy which allows this training to take place. It is suitable for carers who are freely willing to be trained, where an MDT (comprised as a minimum of their GP and community nursing team) have agreed that the carer is suitable to receive training.

St Nicholas Hospice Care will provide/support this training, as needed.

Please download the relevant documents below

M30 Family administered injections at EOL Suffolk policy approved 24.4.20

Booklet (for use in household)