Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.
Leave a Lasting Impact
You may know that St Nicholas Hospice Care provides direct specialist clinical care and bereavement support to families in West Suffolk and Thetford who are affected by dying, death and grief.
You may not know that we also equip local organisations with knowledge, advice and expertise so that more people have access to the best end-of-life care within their own homes and local communities. However, achieving that aim requires more financial support than central government funding can provide.
A gift to St Nicholas Hospice Care in your Will could make all the difference. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount – 5% of your Estate may provide a generous gift to us leaving 95% to be shared among family and friends – and it could secure access to hospice care for future generations.
Why do we suggest a percentage share of your Estate rather than a specific lump sum?
On the one hand, if you were to leave us £1,000 in your Will today, when you eventually pass away in 10, 20 or 30 years, the value of your gift is likely to be seriously eroded by inflation (although we would still appreciate the gift, of course).
On the other hand, if you were to leave us £10,000 in your Will today and nursing home fees in your later years mean that only £20,000 remains in your Estate at death, we become entitled, effectively, to half, leaving just £10,000 to be distributed among family and friends – whereas leaving us 5% of your Estate in your Will would instead entitle us to just £1,000 leaving £19,000 to be shared by family and friends.
A percentage is a proportion which will never alter whatever the value of your Estate at death is, whereas, for smaller Estates, a lump sum could skew the balance between charitable giving and bequests to family and friends.
You don’t have to be fabulously wealthy to remember the Hospice in your Will, as any amount will be welcome and put to good use locally – you just need to be Willing to Help your community.
For a list of St Nicholas Hospice Care goodWill Legal Advisers who provide Will-writing services, please click here, or contact our Gifts in Wills Manager on