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St Edmundsbury Cathedral Remembrance Event


St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Angel Hill, Bury Saint Edmunds, UK


May 12, 2024 3.30pm

A special service of remembrance for all who have received our care during the past 40 years.

It is also an opportunity to celebrate those who have made this possible and a unique time to thank everyone involved in building our legacy, whilst we look forward to our continuing support for local people in West Suffolk and Thetford.

If you cannot attend the Bury St Edmunds service in person, we will have several streaming options.

  • Attend St Marys Church High, Street Haverhill CB9 8AX. The stream starts at 3.30pm.
  • Thetford URC Church, Earls’ Street, Thetford IP24 2AD. The stream starts at 3.30pm.

We look forward to seeing all those who have indicated they are coming along and also extend a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to join us on the day.