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Call our 24/7 advice line for health care professionals and families if you need support with symptom management and end of life care - 01284 766133.

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Assisted Dying

Assisted dying is not currently legal. We acknowledge that it is a complex and emotive issue, and we respect everyone’s right to their own personal opinion.

This statement outlines our position in relation to assisted dying for those who are diagnosed with a terminal illness and are in a position to benefit from palliative care.

We understand assisted dying as an umbrella term for a range of situations where a person’s life is deliberately ended. That includes where an individual is helped to end their own life (assisted suicide), where that help is provided by a medical professional (physician-assisted suicide), and where there is a deliberate act to end a person’s life in order to relieve suffering (euthanasia).

We’re here so that no one in our communities has to face dying, death and grief alone. We do not seek to shorten life and are committed to delivering inclusive, high-quality, individualised palliative care in line with our organisational values.

This statement has been approved by the Hospice’s Board of Trustees and will be reviewed by our Clinical Committee when there are any major shifts or changes to policy.

This statement was last reviewed in October 2024